Bienvenidos al Blog de la AEDE (Asociación de Economía de la Educación)
martes, 18 de septiembre de 2012
IV Workshop en Economía y Gestión de la Cultura
IV Workshop en Economía y Gestión de la Cultura
IV Workshop on Cultural Economics and Management
Bilbao, 29 y 30 de noviembre de 2012
Bizkaia Aretoa. UPV/EHU
viernes, 6 de julio de 2012
Hoy clausuramos las XXI Jornadas de la AEDE con la asistencia de mas de 120 congresistas procedentes de 16 países de Europa y América Latina. El 50% de los congresistas han sido españoles, continuando en orden de importancia por número México, Portugal, Holanda, Francia, Alemania, Uruguay, Colombia, Brasil, Chile, Bélgica, Finlandia, Irlanda, Italia, Polonia, UK.
Gracias a todos y os esperamos en A CORUÑA en 2013.....
La necesidad de fomentar las competencias en innovación y emprendimiento en el nuevo marco del EESS se presenta como la necesidad y oportunidad de cara al nuevo horizonte 2020 que se plantea en la UE. EL desarrollo, medición, fomento e implementación de metodologías docentes que fomenten las cualidades personales que constituyen la base de la innovación: la creatividad, la iniciativa, la responsabilidad, la capacidad de afrontar riesgos y la autonomía personal, son pues el reto al que se enfrentan alas Universidades. Por otra parte la formación en valores, el crear modelos de liderazgo cooperativo y que respeten el entorno y el medio ambiente se presente como uno de los ejes básicos en este nuevo horizonte.
Los estudios presentados durante estos días en las Jornadas de la AEDE demuestran empíricamente que el fomento de estas competencias crea sociedades más desarrolladas y cohesionadas. La necesidad de realizar cambios culturales en la aversión al riesgo, el tratamiento del fracaso son pues elementos clave en sociedades como la portuguesa y española, que implican la necesidad de un cambio en los sistemas educativos para impulsar estos elementos.
La necesidad de fomentar la educación profesional de 1º ciclo, para lograr reducir el fracaso escolar en países como España y Portugal, ha sido otra de las conclusiones relevantes de los estudios presentados.
Los resultados educativos de los emigrantes y de los estudiantes procedentes de familias de rentas bajas, derivados de los informes de PISA, implican la necesidad de desarrollar políticas educativas específicas que permitan reducir el fracaso y mejoren la cohesión social.
martes, 3 de julio de 2012
La Fundación Bancaja y el Ivie presentan la sexta oleada del Observatorio de Inserción Laboral de los Jóvenes
- Los datos muestran que los jóvenes responden a la situación actual con una planificación más activa de la carrera laboral y menores exigencias en las características del empleo
- La experiencia es el factor que más influye en la obtención de un empleo, y las entrevistas concertadas a través de familiares o amigos, la vía más eficaz para lograrlo
- La valoración que hacen los jóvenes de su comportamiento en el trabajo es positiva, aunque se constata un descenso en el apego afectivo y emocional hacia el trabajo
El Observatorio de Inserción Laboral de los Jóvenes que elaboran la Fundación Bancaja y el Ivie desde 1996 recoge información psicosocial y laboral sobre la aproximación y evolución de los jóvenes en el mercado laboral. La muestra está formada por jóvenes de 16 a 30 años que en los últimos 5 años se han incorporado al mercado laboral (han trabajado o han buscado trabajo en ese periodo). Los datos del Observatorio de Inserción Laboral Bancaja-Ivie cubren los territorios de España, Madrid/Barcelona, España urbana (municipios de 50.000 habitantes o más), España no urbana (municipios de menos de 50.000 habitantes) y Comunitat Valenciana.
lunes, 21 de mayo de 2012
miércoles, 11 de abril de 2012
Women’s outcomes in education and employment: strong gains, but more to do
by Éric Charbonnier and Corinne Heckmann Innovation and Measuring Progress
There’s no denying it: when it comes to education and employment, women are on a roll, all over the world. As described in the latest issue of the OECD’s new brief series Education Indicators in Focus, the achievement gap between boys and girls has narrowed so much at lower levels of education that the focus of concern is now on the underachievement of boys. On the 2009 PISA reading assessment, for example, 15-year-old girls outperformed boys in every OECD country, on average by 39 points – the equivalent of one year of school.
Young women are also making strong progress in higher education in OECD countries. In 2000, 51% percent of women could be expected to enter a university-level programme at some point in their lives; today, the number is 66%. In fact, the proportion of women who hold a university-level qualification now equals or exceeds that of men in 29 of the 32 OECD countries for which data are comparable. This figure is below 50% only in China, Japan, Korea and Turkey.
There’s no denying it: when it comes to education and employment, women are on a roll, all over the world. As described in the latest issue of the OECD’s new brief series Education Indicators in Focus, the achievement gap between boys and girls has narrowed so much at lower levels of education that the focus of concern is now on the underachievement of boys. On the 2009 PISA reading assessment, for example, 15-year-old girls outperformed boys in every OECD country, on average by 39 points – the equivalent of one year of school.
Young women are also making strong progress in higher education in OECD countries. In 2000, 51% percent of women could be expected to enter a university-level programme at some point in their lives; today, the number is 66%. In fact, the proportion of women who hold a university-level qualification now equals or exceeds that of men in 29 of the 32 OECD countries for which data are comparable. This figure is below 50% only in China, Japan, Korea and Turkey.
OECD Reviews of Evaluation and Assessment in Education PORTUGAL
OECD Reviews of Evaluation and Assessment
in Education: Portugal 2012
Paulo Santiago, Graham Donaldson, Anne Looney and Deborah Nusche
Education system context
There has been significant progress in educational attainment but challenges remain
A major handicap for Portugal has been the very low starting point in terms of educational attainment and literacy of its population. A fifth of all 15- to 64-year-olds were illiterate in the mid-1970s and less than 5% had completed upper secondary education. Nevertheless, efforts to ensure access to education for all Portuguese resulted in a rapid expansion of enrolment. The proportion of the population that has attained at least upper secondary education grew from 14% for the generation aged 55-64 in 2009 to 48% for the generation aged 25-34 in the same year. Despite the expansion of the education system, educational attainment remains a challenge. It is the lowest in the OECD area for the working-age population, with 30% of 25- to 64-year-olds having attained at least upper secondary education in 2009 (against an OECD average of 73%). Moreover, the high share of students leaving the education system too early with low skills remains a major problem.
Student learning outcomes show some progress
Student learning outcomes in Portugal are around or slightly below the OECD average following some progress in the last decade, depending on the skills assessed. In 2009, achievement levels of Portuguese students in the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) were not statistically significantly different from the OECD average in reading literacy and were just below the OECD average with statistical significance in mathematics and science. Trend analyses of PISA results have shown some encouraging improvement in student learning outcomes.
A range of education reforms which reinforce the role of evaluation and assessment
in Education: Portugal 2012
Paulo Santiago, Graham Donaldson, Anne Looney and Deborah Nusche
Education system context
There has been significant progress in educational attainment but challenges remain
A major handicap for Portugal has been the very low starting point in terms of educational attainment and literacy of its population. A fifth of all 15- to 64-year-olds were illiterate in the mid-1970s and less than 5% had completed upper secondary education. Nevertheless, efforts to ensure access to education for all Portuguese resulted in a rapid expansion of enrolment. The proportion of the population that has attained at least upper secondary education grew from 14% for the generation aged 55-64 in 2009 to 48% for the generation aged 25-34 in the same year. Despite the expansion of the education system, educational attainment remains a challenge. It is the lowest in the OECD area for the working-age population, with 30% of 25- to 64-year-olds having attained at least upper secondary education in 2009 (against an OECD average of 73%). Moreover, the high share of students leaving the education system too early with low skills remains a major problem.
Student learning outcomes show some progress
Student learning outcomes in Portugal are around or slightly below the OECD average following some progress in the last decade, depending on the skills assessed. In 2009, achievement levels of Portuguese students in the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) were not statistically significantly different from the OECD average in reading literacy and were just below the OECD average with statistical significance in mathematics and science. Trend analyses of PISA results have shown some encouraging improvement in student learning outcomes.
A range of education reforms which reinforce the role of evaluation and assessment
jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012
Los rankings universitarios: Un planteamiento prospectivo
Enviar el artículo, junto con un resumen de 200 palabras, tres palabras clave y clasificación JEL, antes del día 31 de Marzo de 2012. Los artículos deberán ser enviados a los editores invitados, Carmen Pérez‐Esparrells y José Manuel Pastor a la dirección
Premio M. Jesús San Segundo: - Mejor comunicación del congreso enviada por autores jóvenes
Si has enviado una comunicación y tienes menos de 40 años, envíanos un email para participar en el PREMIO
Comunicaciones Jornadas
Hemos recibido más de 150 comunicaciones para las XXI Jornadas. EL 50% son españolas y las restantes proceden de más de 20 países de la UE, Asia, África y América Latina
miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2012
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